C2FUEL project aims to develop energy-efficient, economically and environmentally viable CO2 conversion technologies for the displacement of fossils fuels emission through a concept of industrial symbiosis between carbon intensive industries, power production, and local economy. This concept will be demonstrated at Dunkirk between DK6 combined cycle power plant, Arcelor Mittal steel factory and one of the major European harbor, a showcase for future replication.
The carbon dioxide present in the blast furnace gas will be selectively removed and combined with green hydrogen generated by electrolysis fed with renewable electricity to produce two promising energy carriers. It will allow to simultaneously reuse CO2 emissions from the steel-making factory, electricity surplus in the Dunkirk area and to improve the operational and environmental performance of the DK6 combined cycle. C2FUEL unique circular approach could contribute to mitigate up to 2,4 Mt CO2 per year while converting up to 11 TWh of renewable electricity into green energy carriers.

Key technical and economic challenges to be tackled in the project are high temperature electrolysis, innovative production routes of DME and FA from renewable H2 and captured CO2. The specific project objectives relative to these challenges are the following: (i) Develop a high temperature electrolysis demonstration unit producing 1 Nm3/h hydrogen at 15 bar level to be operated in an industrial-relevant environment; (ii) Develop and validate at lab-scale two competitive and innovative DME production routes based on CO2 hydrogenation and syngas utilization within membrane reactors with a production up to 1500kg total of DME; (iii) Develop and validate at lab-scale the production of FA from renewable hydrogen and captured carbon dioxide, which will be compared to an innovative production route based on direct electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction.
The developed processes will be integrated, demonstrated and validated in an industrial relevant environment and the produced fuels will be tested in real end-user systems. Technical-economic-environmental feasibility and societal acceptance will be carried out to ensure the replication potential. Achieving such ambitious objectives involves a strong consortium and C2FUEL partnership gathers the whole value chain necessary for production and use of CO2 conversion to carbon-captured energy carriers: carbon captured supply, renewable hydrogen and fuel development, integration to power plant and operation, so as end-users and international promoters.